Wednesday, September 10, 2008

God's Food

Nicholas: How long can God not eat?
Me: What do you mean? (this seems to be my response most of the time to his questions)
Evan: Like how long can God not eat before he dies?
Nicholas: long can God not eat before he dies.
Me: (perplexed at why he'd like to know this) Do you think God eats?
Nicholas: I think God has like a magic sort of way of being full all of the time. He can just be full whenever he wants, all of the time.
Me: Yes, God can do whatever he wants. He's God.

*I think this is Nicholas' secret be full all of the time.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Now if He can be full and THIN all of the time-
Of course He is, He's GOD!
By the way, that's my secret wish.