Thursday, August 13, 2009


So, we took a break from school and blogging and generally thinking too hard this summer. But, now we are back to school...and maybe back to thinking too hard. :)

For inquiring minds (and my personal record), here's what we are doing with our school year:

Evan is using a reading a variety of great literature, First Language Lessons, and Writing Strands, and Sequential Spelling.
Nicholas is reading a variety of great literature, First Language Lessons, and Writing With Ease,
and Spelling Workout.
Both will enjoy the Read Alouds through Sonlight.

Both are starting out with some major math drill in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
When I feel like they have their basic facts mastered, we'll continue on with Singapore Math. Evan is at level 4B and Nicholas is at level 2B.

We are spending our year in Medieval History in the Early Renaissance period from 400-1600.
We'll be reading some Shakespeare for kids, a kids version of the Canterbury tales, the Knights of the Round Table, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight among other things.
We are also focusing on mastering basic geography and geographical terms.

Evan is taking part in a co-op this year, learning Earth Science including space and weather.
Nicholas will be learning about Earth Science at home with lots of cool books and experiments.

Evan will be taking Art History and Technique at the co-op.
Nicholas will be using an art program called, "Artistic Pursuits."

Both boys are beginning piano lessons and basic music theory

Other stuff:
We are reading through the Bible each day and reading some fascinating stories in a book called, "Window on the World," about people around the world whose needs are not being met either spiritually or physically. We hope to put our knowledge and prayer into action in tangible service this year.
Evan will be in baseball this fall.
Nicholas will be in Tae Kwon Do.
Both will participate in a hiking co-op and monthly park day through the local homeschool group.

And what are the parents learning this year?

Jon is studying for the recertification test for his CCIE and pursuing another Cisco certification in the meantime. Ask him about it if you are interested in a highly technical conversation. :)
He's also continuing his guitar lessons.

I am working on my recertification as a doula through DONA.
I am also working on relearning the piano, one Green Day song at a time :)

Both of us are trying to train for a 10K in October. It will be the first race we will run together. We also continue to work on our rock climbing skills every Saturday.

Most importantly, we seek to build stronger community with the people around us, our "family" in Nicaragua, and the people we don't know yet. It is our intention to serve more, hang out with people more (dinner party anyone?), and become engaged more deeply in others' spiritual journeys.


Unknown said...

I'm not even at a level 4B in math yet!
I never read the Canterbury Tales and don't know much about Shakespeare or the Knights of the Round Table- maybe I should come to school with you!
Sounds like a great year!

Maggie said...

i hope you're keeping good notes on homeschooling in case we decide to do it beyond kindergarten!