Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello? Who's There?

Today, we spent some time learning how to properly answer the phone and respond to a caller's inquiries. I used my cell phone to call the home phone and the boys took turns "answering" the phone. Here's how it was supposed to go:

Boy: Hello?
Me: Hi, is your mom there?
Boy: May I ask who is calling please?
Me: Jim Jenkins
Boy: Just one moment please. (tell me who is on the phone and ask if I can speak)
She is not available at the moment, may I have her call you back?
Me: Yes, please have her call me at: 800.888.8888
Boy: (wait to hang up until the other person has hung up the phone)

Then, we switched it up some to try to throw them off. Here's what I got after a few rounds:

Nicholas: Hello?
Me: Hi, who am I speaking with?
Nicholas: (giggle and look of mischief) Abe Lincoln


1 comment:

Maggie said...

too funny. at least he didn't tell them his name!!!