Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The kids got some new books from the library this afternoon from a serious called,
"Great Illustrated Classics." In the car on the way home, they started reading them and Evan wanted to know if Sherlock Holmes was a real person. I told him I didn't think so, that it was a fictional character made up in the imagination of the author. He then read me the back of the book, which discussed how there are apparently Sherlock Holmes fan clubs around the world.
Then, he thought he MUST be real if he has fan clubs because Hannah Montana has a fan club and she's real.

Of course.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Nicholas: A baby and a vampire are like the same thing, right?
Mom: What do you mean?
Nicholas: They both suck, so they are the same, right?
Mom: Not really. Vampires suck blood and babies suck toys and bottles and mama's milk.
Nicholas: Yeah, but they both suck stuff. So they ARE the same thing.
Mom: Ok, I guess you are right if that's the only thing you are comparing.

**Is this preparation for the SAT's?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

God's Food

Nicholas: How long can God not eat?
Me: What do you mean? (this seems to be my response most of the time to his questions)
Evan: Like how long can God not eat before he dies?
Nicholas: Yeah...how long can God not eat before he dies.
Me: (perplexed at why he'd like to know this) Do you think God eats?
Nicholas: I think God has like a magic sort of way of being full all of the time. He can just be full whenever he wants, all of the time.
Me: Yes, God can do whatever he wants. He's God.

*I think this is Nicholas' secret dream...to be full all of the time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Map Work

Evan and I were looking at the US map in preparation for our trip to New Hampshire and Boston in a couple of weeks. He will be helping to plan our route, figuring out mileage, etc. His question today was:

Which state has the most people?

I asked if he meant which state was the most dense or has the most people overall. He wanted to know the state with most people, regardless of size.

The answer is: California, with 33,145,121 people.

Good to know :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

After reading about plant parts and what attracts birds and insects to plants:

Evan: Does Honeysuckle really have honey in it?
Can you eat it?

After a wikipedia investigation, we found out that they do not produce honey, but do have a sweet nectar that is edible and a red, black, or blue berry. Some of the plants have poisonous berries and one variety does not. The flowers from the honeysuckle are used to flavor wine, syrup, sorbet, and other sweet dishes.